Frontier Direct Care
For the foreseeable future, COVID is going to be part of
our winter cold and flu season. Fortunately, the worst of the virus is behind us! Since so many of us have been infected with the virus or immunized against it, we fully expect a much milder season than what we have seen in the past 2 years.
Nevertheless, we wanted to share FDC’s tips and tricks for dealing with COVID so that we can all be as fully prepared as possible.
Watch this short video from Doc Lazz for more information on COVID this season.
symptoms of COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, in any 24 hour period.
For 10 days from the date of exposure
Try to separate yourself from others in your home
Quarantine can end after 6 days if you take another COVID test with a negative result and no symptoms arise.
Fever higher than 100.4 degrees F
Cough/Shortness of breath
Loss of taste/smell
Nausea, vomiting, & diarrhea
If you develop any of the symptoms above, notify your Primary Care Provider to arrange for COVID testing.

Fever higher than 100.4 degrees F
Cough/Shortness of breath
Loss of taste/smell
Nausea, vomiting, & diarrhea
Stay isolated from others, if possible.
If that’s not possible, wear a mask, social distance, and wash your hands frequently.
Identify any direct, confirmed exposures.
Ask: “Was I around anyone who tested positive within 48 hours of feeling symptomatic?”
“Was I around anyone who tested positive within 48hrs of the time they became symptomatic?”
“What day did they become symptomatic/test positive?”
“What day was I exposed to them?”
Schedule an appointment online with FDC.
Within 24 hours after you start to experience symptoms is the best time to see your Doctor.
Vitamin D3 (5,000 IU/day)
Vitamin C (500-1,000 mg/twice a day)
Quercetin (250 mg/twice a day)
Zinc (100 mg/day)
If pregnant, please reach out to your provider directly before initiating the above protocol.
*Contact your Doctor to ask their recommended dosage for Prophylactic Supplements. If nausea, diarrhea, or upset stomach occurs, reduce the dose of Vitamin C and Zinc in half.
Done by using a swab inserted into each nostril
Tests for proteins found on the COVID-19 virus
Tests can be performed in about 20 minutes
Done in a laboratory
Tests for genetic material of the COVID-19 virus
Tests can take up to a few days to complete
symptoms and want to make sure you weren’t infected. They can be found across
the Valley at your local pharmacies like RGV Hometown Pharmacy, Walgreens, CVS,
Amazon, and Walmart. Here are 3 tests to look for if you need to get one: